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FAA Notifies Dozens of Pilots That They Must Be Reexamined for Certain Ratings





Pilot資格についてのニュースです。Pilotは必ず2年に一度のFlight Reviewなどの技量チェックが義務づけられていますが.. さらに何らかの理由がFAAの要請があると再チェックとかあるんですが、Reexamine(資格再試験)というのはかなり厳しい処置ですね。



A number of pilots could spend the holidays arranging to retake their check rides for certain instrument and instructor ratings following a notice from the FAA.

“The FAA is requiring certain pilots who received check rides from a former designated pilot examiner in Alaska to contact their local Flight Standards District Office,” the agency said in a statement separate from the notice, adding that “approximately 140 check rides are involved.”

READ MORE: Pilots Bear Responsibility For Avoiding Midair Collisions: FAA
In its notice, the agency named Donald R. Lee, the longtime instructor, DPE, and bush and mountain pilot, as the examiner under scrutiny.