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Grand Canyon Helicopter Crash (グランドキャニオン ヘリコプター墜落)

AP(共同通信社:Associated Press)による記事です。 LAS VEGAS (AP) — The Clark County coroner in Las Vegas has confirmed the death of a fifth victim from injuries suffered in a helicopter crash at the Grand Canyon earlier this month. ラスベ…

Single-Pilot Plane

Would you trust a single-pilot plane? How flights with two pilots could become obsolete https://t.co/wDAO9ZY086— ICAEA (@icaea2003) 2018年2月22日 Would you trust a single-pilot plane? How flights with two pilots could become obsolete. あな…

Bilingualism in The Sky

Pilot and Air Traffic Controller Communication in a Foreign Language 外国語におけるパイロットと航空交通管制官のコミュニケーションDr. Francois Grosjean interviews Dr. Bürki-Cohen フランコ グロスジーン博士がビューキコーヘン博士にインタビュー…

Retrofit Avionics Market Sees Strong Sales (改良された既存の航空機器市場に強い販売意識が)

Aircraft owners are making investments in new technology. 飛行機所有者は新技術に投資する。 With the 2020 ADS-B Out mandate rapidly approaching, and as more and more aircraft operators are realizing the benefits of advanced cockpit systems,…

Londonの New ATC Center

ロンドンの新航空交通管制システム、しかも空港内を離れ数マイル先に新しい施設で、離れてていて、航空機の進入、離発着を自由自在に運用することができるということです。 Set foot inside our digital tower facility with this amazing 360-degree video.…

Airbus Debut

Airbus out ahead of Boeing's 797 with new jet エアバス社はボーイング797に先駆けて新型ジェット機を発表Airbus launched its much-anticipated A321LR on Wednesday. The plane took its maiden flight from of the European plane maker's factories in…

UA機 Emergency Landing (緊急着陸)

#ua1175 so glad we are all safe after our emergency landing. pic.twitter.com/bltAPWzYhn— Haley Ebert (@haleylora) 2018年2月13日 #ua1175 so glad we are all safe after our emergency landing. United Airlinesの1175便が飛行中エンジンのカウルフ…

Latest Boston Robot

Boston Dynamics' latest robot can open a door and hold it while you walk inside https://t.co/nrnz10IHra pic.twitter.com/0yHE3fO0td— CNN International (@cnni) 2018年2月13日 Boston Dynamics' latest robot can open a door and hold it while you…

Air Taxi Startup Joby Aviation

Joby’s website says, “More than a billion people on planet Earth spend more than an hour a day in traffic. ジョビィのウエッブサイトでは、”地球上では10億人以上の人々が、1日1時間以上交通機関に費やしている。”と言及。 Transportation emissions …

Chinese Drone 184

A Chinese company has released video of passengers climbing aboard its autonomous drones and taking off with the push of a button https://t.co/vrPWVYvtoL pic.twitter.com/2HPsZiqRZg— CNN International (@cnni) 2018年2月10日 商用ドローンの世…

Only One Pilot in a cockpit

Boeing raises prospect of only one pilot in the cockpit of planes - The Guardian:https://t.co/LAuDVNgKxr#Aviation #Aircraft— SpeedBird (@SpeedBird_NCL) 2018年2月9日 Once there were three on the flight deck. かつてフライトデッキ(操縦室)に…

A320neo To Military

Airbus could begin competing head-to-head with the Boeing 737 in the large commercial derivatives market, offering the A320neo for roles such as armed maritime patrol and airborne early warning. エアバス社は、武装海上偵察機や早期空中警戒機…

Taiwan Earthquake M6.4

今日の英語の習慣化はTaiwanを襲った地震の速報です。 A series of earthquakes is rocking Taiwan, leaving at least four people dead and more than 100 injured, according to The Associated Press, which cites Taiwan's premier, William Lai. 一連の…

Killer Whale

This killer whale learned how to imitate human speech by repeating sounds that mimic words like “hello,” “bye bye,” “one, two” and “Amy” https://t.co/40ugLi1SPm pic.twitter.com/g0cbyHFYQF— CNN International (@cnni) 2018年2月1日 (CNN)-From …

US Navy Drone Ship “Sea Hunter”

今日の英語の習慣化は米国海軍にドローンの艦船が加わったという記事です。 ‘Sea Hunter,’ a drone ship with no crew, just joined the U.S. Navy fleet “シーハンター”と呼称される乗組員がいないドローンの艦船がアメリカ海軍に統合 A prototype autonomo…

Russian Airbus 320 Fire

At 5PM on 31st January (Russia time), a fire started on board an Aeroflot Airbus A320 (VQ-BPU). The fire started on Flight #SU1182, a service from Moscow to Volgograd. A passenger's powerbank emitted heat, sparks and flames after landing. …

テストのための勉強はやめよう ‼️

https://lifehacker.com/stop-studying-for-the-test-1822599048/amp 前半は、哲学書ユリシスからのこの意味を説明していますが、後半の意味の方が有意義なので、こちらを少し訳しておきます。興味のある方は、全文をお読みになるといいと思います。 What to…