Newly Discovered Debris Suggests Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 May Have Been Crashed Intentionally
読者諸氏は覚えておられるだろうか? Malysia 航空 MH370便、離陸間も無く、管制レーダーからFlight Planを逸脱、姿を消した事件...
インド洋に向かって... 不可解な航空機事故?
事件? 墜落の痕跡もなく数年.. やがて、海岸に流れついた機体の断片...
今日のニュースもその大きなLanding Gear (着陸装置)の断片と解析、自然事故ではなく故意に機体をCrashさせた形跡...
A 32″×28” piece of debris washed ashore in Madagascar following a tropical storm in March 2017.
In November 2022, MH370 expert Blaine Gibson found the item with other marine debris and realized that it looked similar to other pieces of Malaysia Airlines MH370found in the Indian Ocean.
The object has not been formally analyzed, but Gibson and others believe that it belongs to the Boeing 777 plane’s landing gear. Deep cuts on the item serve as evidence that the landing gear was most likely deployed before the crash.