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Boom says its supersonic XB-1 aircraft test program will be ‘fully carbon neutral’




もう2月も終わり、今年は4年に一度のうるう年ですね。1日得した気分 ⁉️


二酸化炭素を排出しない設計のXBー1機のTest Program が開始されます。    


Commercial aviation isn’t typically the place to look if you’re after carbon-light initiatives. Jet fuel isn’t generally very green, and airplanes burn a lot of it when traversing the skies. But supersonic flight startup Boom wants to change the perception of commercial aviation as an emissions-costly prospect, starting with their testing development program for the XB-1 supersonic demonstration aircraft that will eventually lead to the development of its Overture passenger aircraft.

Boom claims this will make it the first commercial flight OEM to achieve this level of sustainability, especially from the very beginning of its aircraft flight testing and certification process. And while XB-1 and eventually Overture aren’t electric or hybrid aircraft, the way the company hopes to achieve this milestone is through a combination of using sustainable jet fuel and carbon offsets (effectively the process of buying carbon “credits” by funding projects that net reduce greenhouse gases) to reduce its overall carbon footprints to zero.

日本が未だに国際化出来ない英語の原因 :官僚制度の怠慢







At least 5 people in China have disappeared, gotten arrested, or been silenced after speaking out about the coronavirus...




今日の英語の習慣化の題材は、Coronavirus (コロナウイルス)の記事から...


まあ以前から中国国内では、政府の批判等をした者は、逮捕されたり、失踪をしたりで、人権や自由な発言が出来ない様子。Internet も制限されたり政府に不都合なSNS等も削除、禁止されたりなんですが。ここでは、英語の学習にcontentと共に提供いたします。


Chinese law professor Xu Zhangrun recently posted a scathing review of the way president Xi Jinping and the Chinese Communist Party have handled the coronavirus outbreak.

"They all blithely stood by as the crucial window of opportunity to deal with the outbreak of the infection snapped shut in their faces," he wrote, suggesting that government censorship of information about the coronavirus hampered China's ability to control its spread.

Xu, who teaches at Beijing's Tsinghua University, added: "The cause of all of this lies with The Axlerod [that is, Xi Jinping] and the cabal that surrounds him."

The essay, published online February 10, was immediately taken down. Xu was placed under house arrest, cut off from the internet, and scrubbed from all social media sites, The Guardian reported.

His critique came three days after Wuhan doctor Li Wenliang died of the coronavirus. Li had sent a message to a group of medical school alumni, warning them about a mysterious new illness. But local police reprimanded and silenced him.

Potentially The Most Revolutionary Aircraft You Have Never Heard Of Has Flown


The mysterious Celera 500L built by the silent Otto Aviation company has successfully taken to the skies...


今日の英語の習慣化の題材は、今まで聞いたこともないようなAircraftのお話で、Celera 500Lと言います。昔Egg Planeのゲームをやりましたが、まさにこの形状...



Over the last couple of years, virtually nobody has reported on the mysterious and bizarre- looking, but potentially revolutionary flying machine known as the Otto Aviation Celera 500L aside from The War Zone. Well, that is until our most recent article on the aircraft from June of 2019. That piece went viral, but nobody that we know of has followed up with any new information on the remarkably secretive civilian aircraft or the extremely shy firm that built it. Now, based on first-hand reports and images we have seen, we can state that the exotic, bullet- shaped flying machine has successfully taken to the skies.
Before we proceed, take a moment and read about the Celera 500L in order to get up to speed on its proposed capabilities. Suffice it to say, the aircraft is all about shattering the traditional concepts and economies of commercial and private air travel and more.

5 Minute Daily Habits That Will Make You Smarter




毎日の5の習慣が、あなたを賢くする!と言うもの... ここにも習慣ですねぇ〜




マインド マッピングで思考を整理する










“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” Some of the smartest people in history lived by those words long before they adorned Instagram posts. But in today’s busy world, we need to consider the most effective ways of incorporating daily habits into our already-packed schedules — especially when it comes to longer-term goals like learning new things. It’s all about small, daily changes that can make all the difference. 

So if you want to become smarter without taking a full course or reading dozens of books, embrace these six daily habits, below. They’ll help increase your focus, fast track your learning and boost your brainpower in as much time as reading an email or scrolling through your feed.




Bodyweight  Exercises

Using A Notebook

Book Summaries 

Timing your work 

Boeing Hints At New Direction For NMA Refocus





Boeing社がB-737Maxで苦しんでいる中、新しいConceptで次世代航空機のNew Midmarket Airplane



SINGAPORE - Boeing appears to be redirecting its next new airliner project to compete more directly with the long-range Airbus A321XLR rather than take on the broader 757-767 replacement market previously studied under the shelved New Midmarket Airplane (NMA) project.

“We are learning what the (A321) XLR is doing, or not. That also gives you a good idea of what the market may want,” Boeing Commercial Senior Vice President Sales and Marketing Ihssane Mounir, told Aviation Week during the Singapore Airshow. His comments offer the first new clues to where Boeing's product development efforts may refocus in the wake of the company’s decision to go back to the drawing board on the NMA.

Since Boeing CEO Dave Calhoun revealed the decision in January that the “NMA project is going to be a new clean sheet of paper,” there has been speculation the effort may be redirected to cover a new airliner family that could cover the present 737 MAX as well as the 757. However, Mounir’s comments suggest the prime focus may be shifting to settle primarily on the 200 to 240-seat, 4,700 nm.-range category of the new Airbus. Launched in 2019, the A321XLR will be delivered from 2023 and has already taken 450 orders including contracts from both American Airlines and United Airlines.


Mysterious radio signal from space is repeating every 16 days




今日は未知の世界、宇宙からの謎のRadio Signalの記事からです。




CNN - Mysterious radio signals from space have been known to repeat, but for the first time, researchers have noticed a pattern in a series of bursts coming from a single source half a billion light-years from Earth.

Fast radio bursts, or FRBs, are millisecond-long bursts of radio waves in space. Individual radio bursts emit once and don't repeat. But repeating fast radio bursts are known to send out short, energetic radio waves multiple times. And usually when they repeat, it's sporadic or in a cluster, according to previous observations.
Between September 16, 2018 and October 30, 2019, researchers with the Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment/Fast Radio Burst Project collaboration detected a pattern in bursts occurring every 16.35 days. Over the course of four days, the signal would release a burst or two each hour. Then, it would go silent for another 12 days.