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Make Mindfulness a Habit





とうとう今年は、Corona Virus (コロナウイルス)で、一年が過ぎ去ろうとしておりますね!

心の動揺、不安 等々...

そこで、今日の英語の習慣化の題材として、Mindfulness (マインドフルネス)の記事から、習慣としてMindfulnessを行えば、心と身体の改善に繋がりますよ!





Developing a sustainable meditation practice is hard. So hard, in fact, that when I start working with executives, most tell me that they’ve tried meditating, but only a very few report having a regular practice. This isn’t because they don’t see benefits. Many say things like, “I noticed a clear difference in how my day went when I started it with meditation — I would be more focused and less likely to get sidetracked.” Or, “On days I practice meditation, stresses would more easily flow off me.”

Still, very few of these executive stuck with it, because they struggled to find the time (“I did my meditation for two weeks, then work got really busy and I fell off the bandwagon”) or because after a while they felt their practice “wasn’t working” or that “my mind was just too busy to quiet down.”

A lot has been said about the importance of mindfulness and how to practice it in the workplace, but the advice doesn’t always address how to develop a sustainable practice over time. I’ve identified four actions that can help.