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Gulfstream G500 World Tour



Gulfstream G500

In anticipation of certification, the Gulfstream G500 is taking off on a five-month tour to get introduced to potential customers around the world.


The ultra-long-range, high-speed luxury jet, the final of five test airplanes, recently took off from Dallas Love Field and will make stops in major cities such as Chicago, Melbourne, Beijing, Moscow and Milan.

超長距離、高速のジェット機で5機の試験機の最終機が、ダラス ラブフィールド空港を離陸、主要都市シカゴ、メルボルン、北京、モスクワ、そしてミラノを経由する。

“It’s an ideal time for customers to explore an aircraft that is already noted for its large, wide cabin, outstanding performance and industry-leading technology,” said Gulfstream’s president, Mark Burns.

ガルフストリーム社の社長、マーク バーンズ氏は、”既に大型で広い客室ずば抜けた性能で業界をリードする技術が知られている機材を検討するには顧客にとって絶好の機会である。” と述べている。

“It also gives us an opportunity to thoroughly test and examine the fully outfitted interior as we prepare for the G500’s service entry.”


Certification for the G500 is expected soon. The bizjet can carry eight passengers and their luggage up to 5,200 nm at Mach 0.85 or 4,400 nm at Mach 0.9.


★Nautical Mile:約1.8km換算で飛行機は海里という海に起源を持つ用語を使う

The top speed for the G500 is Mach 0.925 and the cabin can be configured to seat up to 19 passengers.
