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Do overweight passengers deserve a bigger seat on a plane?







今夜は簡単な公開記事からの、Overweightの乗客は大きいseatをあてがわれるのか? ってな、論調の記事です。

まぁ、内容よりは、英語そのものに触れるのがこのBlogの趣旨ですので... 読んでみましょう!


On a recent flight from Phoenix to London, Gerri Hether found herself seated next to an overweight passenger — so overweight that he couldn’t fit into his seat.


“His fat rolls flowed over the armrest into my seat and onto me,” says Hether, a retired nurse from Mesa, Ariz. “I don’t know how he even managed to get into the seat.”

Appeals to the crew were pointless because it was a full flight. So for the next 10 hours, Hether leaned against her husband in her economy class seat as the oversize passenger invaded her personal space.

Hether says the plus-size passenger was apologetic, and she understands that he could not control the seat size. But maybe it was her airline, not the passenger, who should have been apologizing, she says. The seats are too small.

Her problem is widespread, but it’s hardly new. Passengers have been complaining about larger seatmates since planes started carrying people. 

What is gaining momentum is the idea that overweight passengers deserve a second seat. And they shouldn’t have to pay for it because their weight is a disability. As someone who struggles to fit into an economy-class seat (because of my height), I feel their pain. But getting to a solution will require a difficult conversation.