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Sorry, Jeff Bezos. You're still not an astronaut, according to the FAA.




先日、Jeff Bezos氏が宇宙旅行を達成しましたが、FAA(米国航空局)は、これをもってBezos氏がAstronaut であるとは言えません、っとの声明を出しています。

今日の英語の習慣化の題材です。米国にはWings Programというものがあって、航空経験を一定条件下で受けるとWing Markがもらえます。



Just because you were in space doesn't mean you get the wings of an astronaut.

The Federal Aviation Administration set new rules concerning the Commercial Space Astronaut Wings Program and the criteria used to award those commanding, piloting or working on privately funded spacecraft with the Commercial Space Astronaut Wings badge.

The order was issued on July 20, the same day billionaire and Amazon founder Jeff Bezos and his Blue Origin rocket crew made history by blasting off from the West Texas desert, reaching space and returning to Earth.