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Don't Forget to 'Spring Forward' Tonight For Daylight Saving Time




先週、Americaでは、Daylight SavingTimeと言う夏時間にする日がやってきていました。





This weekend the majority of the United States will “spring forward” an hour. At 2am on Sunday morning, clocks in almost every state will immediately skip to 3am. That means you potentially lose an hour of sleep.

We’ll stick with this time until November 1, when clocks will “fall back” at 2am and we’ll all score that extra hour of sleep back.

Large asteroid will fly by the Earth next month, but won't hit us, reassures NASA




今日の英語の習慣化の題材は、NASAのAnimation Videoです。




CNN - On April 29, an asteroid estimated to be between 1.1 and 2.5 miles wide will fly by Earth. But it's not expected to collide with our planet, thankfully. If it did, the asteroid is "large enough to cause global effects," according to NASA, back when the asteroid was first discovered.

The asteroid is called 52768 (1998 OR2) and it was first spotted in 1998. It will pass within 3,908,791 miles of Earth, moving at 19,461 miles per hour.
The flyby is expected to occur on Wednesday, April 29, at 4:56 a.m. ET, according to NASA's Center for Near Earth Object Studies. They track Near-Earth Objects that could collide with Earth.


Watch SpaceX launch the last of its original Dragon spacecraft to resupply the ISS tonight




今日の週末の英語の習慣化の題材は、 Live配信される予定のSpace  DragonのISSへのVideoという記事です。今夜というのは、米国Pacific(西海岸時間)3月6日20:50です。Videoは...




SpaceX is launching its 20th resupply mission the International Space Station tonight, but this one has a bittersweet twist: It’s the last such mission that will use the first iteration of the Dragon spacecraft that has flown on all of the company’s missions for NASA thus far. Starting this summer, its successor will take its place.

Tonight’s mission will bring a variety of supplies, experiments, and new components to the ISS as usual. Launch is scheduled for 8:50 PM Pacific time, and you can watch it below.

The Dragon spacecraft and Falcon 9 first stage both flew on previous missions, the Dragon on two others, making it the third of its kind to make it to a third mission. And it will also be the last of its kind to do so.


CNN Coronavirus Latest News Los Angeles




米国LosAngelesのCoronavirusの患者(patient)は、ロスアンゼルス空港のCoronavirusの監視医療チームの1人であると言います。Screening や screener 及びDepartment of Homeland Security : 国土安全保障省などの単語を押さえておきましょう...


Los Angeles coronavirus patient is a medical screener at LAX airport      (From CNN's Cheri Mossburg)

One of the newly announced coronavirus cases in Los Angeles county is a medical screener at Los Angeles International Airport, according to the Department of Homeland Security.

This contract worker had not been at work for more than a week before developing symptoms, DHS says. It is unclear whether the virus was contracted through their work with travelers or via community spread.

The patient is currently isolated at home with mild symptoms.


Boeing's Starliner spacecraft is built to carry astronauts, but safety concerns loom







しかしながら、Boeings社が構想しているStarliner Spacecraft は、宇宙飛行士を乗せる次の段階で、安全性に直面することになります。


New York (CNN) - Boeing's Starliner spacecraft, which was slated to begin flying NASA astronauts to the International Space Station this year, faces new questions about safety after a botched test flight in December.

On Friday, Boeing revealed that ground controllers lost contact with Starliner 37 times during the mission, and investigators are still working to determine how to correct those issues. The company also confirmed that it had failed to run a full simulation of how the spacecraft's software would run during the two major stretches of the mission — from liftoff to docking with the International Space Station and from undocking to landing. Such testing could have potentially detected software problems that caused Starliner to stumble off its path toward the International Space Station, forcing it to make an early landing.

Spain‘s Mysterious Underwater “Stonehenge”


Thought to be more than 4,000 years old, the Dolmen of Guadalperal was “invisible” for almost 60 years – until it unexpectedly reappeared.




毎年、通常のインフルエンザでも数千人も亡くなっており、感染者数は一千万単位ですよ!新種で未だ未知というだけで、日本でも感染者数は3桁代、死亡者数は2桁(だから良いとは言えませんが、それにしても)いってないでしょ... 逆にニホンの反応ぶりに異常な恐怖感を覚えております、個人的に。


Europe suffered an unusually hot summer in 2019. Seven weather stations in Spain recorded their highest temperatures ever in June, and higher-than-average temperatures and drought were registered across the country in July and August. However, the scorching weather conditions revealed an unexpected sight in the Spanish province of Cáceres: as the drought caused the shoreline of the Tagus River to recede, a 4,000- to 7,000-year-old circular monument emerged in the middle of the Valdecañas Reservoir.

Smithsonian 3D Digitization





米国Smithsonian 博物館が、3DのWebsite を公開しました。




Welcome to the 3D Scanning Frontier
The 3D Program is a small group of technologists working within the Smithsonian Institution Digitization Program Office. We focus on developing solutions to further the Smithsonian's mission of "the increase and diffusion of knowledge" through the use of three-dimensional capture technology, analysis tools, and our distribution platform.