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This Field of Light in California Is the Ultimate Outdoor Spring Activity.

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今日は、Central CaliforniaのSan Luis Obispo County (郡)からの春のOutdoorsにちなむ美しい光の映像を、英語の習慣化の題材として提供いたします。

Be about to〜 : 〜しそう(近未来形)   とか、
Contry  と Countyの違いとかちょっとしたポイントがありますね...


Boasting warm weather and fresh blooms, spring is the perfect season for outdoor activities. Once you’ve gotten your flower farm fix, you’re going to want to head to California to visit this dazzling field of lights.

Tucked away in San Luis Obispo County in Central California, the Field of Light at Sensorio has more than 58,800 “stemmed spheres lit by fiber-optics,” according to its website. The solar-powered stemmed lights, which resemble flowers, illuminate a 15-acre field. An ethereal experience, the spacious field of lights morphs colors, giving the landscape an undulating effect. Basically, you’d be walking through artwork.