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How to Master the Handstand : Follow these progressions to get upside down.


今日の英語の習慣化の題材は、Training関係ですが、読者の皆様は、倒立出来ますか ❓



Some exercises just look awesome.

We've all seen someone show off a move that takes unbelievable balance, concentration, and strength, appearing to bend the laws of physics and defy gravity. These are what we're calling Hero moves, the high-level maneuvers that you've watched slack-jawed on Instagram but never imagined you'd be able to pull off yourself.

Good news: With the right plan, you can learn exactly what it takes to master these Hero moves. CrossFit coach and former USA National Gymnastics champ David Durante is confident that he can help you master the handstand, a classic gymnastics maneuver that takes a remarkable amount of strength, balance, and body control to pull off correctly.