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Black Friday - These Are the Best Black Friday Deals You Can Find Right Now


Black Friday 、実はアメリカでの発祥のこの言葉、11月の第4木曜日がアメリカで感謝祭(Thanksgiving Day)にあたり、連休が続きます、そこで、木曜日の次の金曜日から小売店での安売りが行なわれるのです。内容はともかく、英語に慣れる為音読してくださいね!


It's time for the entirely avoidable annual hell called Black Friday. Named as though it was the worst day during a great plague, it's all the madness of the holiday season distilled into just one day following a Thursday filled with tryptophan naps.

Nevertheless, everyone flocks to the sales because you know there are going to be some legitimately good deals. You want to hate it, but then you'll think, 'I was going to buy a TV anyway... and those dress socks are only a buck.' Suddenly, you've been cracked on the back of the head with a purse because you grabbed the last Turbo Man doll.