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Ascendance proposes a long-range, low-emission hybrid VTOL air taxi




VTOL(Vertical TakeOff Landing :垂直離着陸機)の長距離を可能にするAscendance社の新提案案件記事です。



Right now, the entire electric VTOL scene is a house built on a foundation of faith. Faith that the hordes of researchers beavering away on next-gen battery technology will achieve an enormous energy density breakthrough, or faith that hydrogen fuel cell powertrains will prove safe, reliable and practical in an aviation context.

Both seem likely, eventually, but the urban air taxi industry is pushing to be up and running within five years, and right now there's no powertrain on the market that can keep these energy-intensive vertical-lift birds in the air long enough to be practical in a commercial sense.

China debuts bullet train that can operate in extremely cold temperatures




今日の英語の習慣化の題材は.. ChinaのNew  Bullet Train (新幹線)の記事より...
特記すべき事は、寒さに強い(Extremeという単語を使っていますね)新幹線である事らしい ?



(CNN) — China has unveiled a new high-speed bullet train designed for extremely cold climates.
The CR400AF-G train, which can operate at speeds of up to 350 kilometers per hour (217 mph) in temperatures as low as -40 degrees Celsius (-40 degrees Fahrenheit), is part of the Fuxing series of high-speed electric multiple-unit (EMU) trains developed and operated by the state-owned China State Railway Group.

Bizarre Video Finally Captures L.A.’s Mysterious Jetpack Man in Flight








Of the myriad mysteries that 2020 has delivered, few have piqued our curiosity like the bizarre case of Los Angeles’s enigmatic jetpack man—first spotted in August flying 3,000 feet over the busy airspace above LAX, then again in October gliding 6,000 feet high, this time a few miles northwest of the airport.

Though pilots and airline crew members observed the daredevil in flight on both occasions, they failed to capture video of the strange sight, which surely would’ve aided the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) in their ongoing probes.

But now, we finally have visual proof of a guy in a jetpack—perhaps the guy in the jetpack—zipping around the Southern California skies.

On December 21, a pilot on an instructional flight with Sling Pilot Academy, based near Torrance, California, encountered and captured video of the unidentified flying object at approximately 3,000 feet in the vicinity of Palos Verdes and Catalina Island, south of L.A.

Supersonic jet company Aerion partners with NASA on high-speed point-to-point travel



投稿した覚えはなかったのですが.., びっくりしました!






Supersonic Jetの新話題、お読みください!


Aerion has been working on ushering in a new era of commercial supersonic flight for nearly a decade now, and the company just revealed that it has signed a new partnership with NASA to put that experience to use in the pursuit of supersonic point-to-point travel — the technical name for putting to use the kind of high-speed flight typically associated with space launches for helping people move very quickly from one place on Earth to another.

The new collaboration comes via the Space Act Agreement, which basically allows NASA to enlist the aid of private companies to help it achieve its various goals. NASA has been developing high-Mach, supersonic aircraft technologies for some time now, in particular through its arrangement with Lockheed Martin to build and fly the X-59 QueSST, a demonstrator aircraft that will show how supersonic craft can also operate relatively quietly, with so-called “low-boom” capabilities that avoid the loud sonic booms produced by most supersonic vehicles when they break the sound barrier.

Watch the Air Force's Brand New F-15 Make Its First Flight




今日の英語の習慣化の題材は... Air Forceの新型F-15の話題より...

これは見て、お楽しみ下さい!(YouTube 画面タッチで動画再生)



The U.S. Air Force gets new planes all the time, but the new fighter that triumphantly took off from Boeing's airfield in St. Louis on its inaugural flight yesterday was decidedly a different breed. The jet was the F-15E-X, the Air Force's first new F-15 Eagle in nearly 20 years.

The new fighter means the F-15 Eagle platform will almost certainly end up flying for 80 years or longer, making it the longest-serving fighter in American history.

Yesterday's test flight took 90 minutes, and the plane performed as expected, according to Defense News. Here’s a video of the flight:


It's a Lot Easier—and Cheaper—to Learn How to Fly Than You Think




今日の英語の習慣化の題材は.. 私の本業 Pilotのお話記事。

Pilotに、いかに易しく、安価になれるかってな記事です。これは米国でのTraining ですが、英語のお勉強の為には、Grounds School(座学)という、筆記試験のためのお勉強をしなければなりませんが、日本でもこの勉強は、出来ます。私が(教官資格者)教えられますので、興味のある読者諸氏はコメント下さいね。英語の習得と知識(教官のEndorsementサインがいる為)両得です、自分の実力が分かりますよ。

教官のEndorsementがあると、筆記試験が受けられます。(Computer Based)



Is anything more human than the pursuit of flight? Perhaps attaching a ludicrous price tag to the venture is quite human, too, but it doesn't have to be this way. Sure, learning to pilot a plane is going to cost you, but with a bit of gumption, you can create a budget that's more akin to what an avid golfer spends on tee time than some absolutely out-of-reach pastime for the ultra rich.

✈️ You love badass planes. So do we. Let's nerd out over them together.

I earned my pilot's certificate as a teenager more than two decades ago, ultimately leading to a career in aviation. Here are five tips you can employ to help keep your flight-learning costs from soaring higher than a Cessna.

A Harvard professor says an alien visited in 2017 — and more are coming



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Alian(地球外知的生命体)の話題ですが、ワイドショー的なsubjectではなく、Harvard University の教授(Professor)物理学者が唱えている物です。



When the first sign of intelligent life visits us from space, it won’t be a giant saucer hovering over New York. More likely, it will be an alien civilization’s trash. 

Avi Loeb, chair of Harvard’s Department of Astronomy, believes he’s already found some of that garbage. 

Physicist explains why he thinks mysterious interstellar object was aliens
In his upcoming book, “Extraterrestrial: The First Sign of Intelligent Life Beyond Earth” (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt), out Jan. 26, the professor lays out a compelling case for why an object that recently wandered into our solar system was not just another rock but actually a piece of alien technology.