空飛ぶBear Aviatorの世界へようこそ〜


Around the World on Solar Lift


French company Euro Airship plans to begin building its Solar Airship One in 2024, with an unrefueled circumnavigation planned for 2026.





Solar & Hydrogen-PowerのAirship(飛行船)が、20日で世界一周をする、と言う計画が持ち上がってがいます。



Around the world in 20 days—or 30—by solar- and hydrogen-powered airship? It’s a fantastic project—and not a fantastical one—that lies ahead of the Euro Airship team as it pursues the development and launch of the Solar Airship One. The French company intends to build and launch the innovative design in its quest toward a zero-emissions future.

The path to get there? By creating a rigid airship—that’s one in which a “double” envelope holds a cushion of air all around to maintain consistent pressure, and it’s encased by panels as opposed to being a flexible bag of gas. Supporting the primary envelope there is a rigid aluminum structure and inside of that are 15 helium envelopes. These independent envelopes are managed via software, taking into account changes driven by variables such as the weather.