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Your Healthy Life Expectancy : あなたの健康寿命は ❓


今日の英語の習慣化の題材は、Healthy Life Expectancy (健康寿命): 何歳まで生きられるか(寿命)ではなく、寝たきりにならず健康で何歳まで動き回れるか...の面白いWebpageを紹介します。







Google Santa Traker : サンタを追っかけよう ‼️

今日はXmas Eve ❣️


GoogleのSanta Trakerの方法の記事です。英語の習慣化の題材です...


How to Call Santa

Last month, a number of Google Assistant features rolled out ahead of the holidays, including Broadcast Replies that work particularly well on the Home Hub as an intercom system, lyrics on Smart Displays, and Pretty Please.

Another feature that Google teased for this season is an updated Call Santa. This year, “Hey Google, Call Santa” will put you in touch with an elf operator that directs you to Santa Claus rehearsing a holiday concert.





Merry Xmas ❣️




Boeing's New Private Jet Is A Mansion In The Sky


Xmas seasonで航空機で旅行する人々が増え、TSA(米国のSecurity チェック)に煩雑さにイライラしますが、Boeing社のNew Business Jet は..



Holiday travel can give anyone a headache: the traffic, the cost, the TSA line! What if you didn't have to leave your house to fly? Boeing is cashing in on flying fatigue with a new plane that's basically a flying mansion. Talk about a staycation.

The Boeing 777x, revealed at the Middle East Business Aviation Association Show in Dubai, is the longest-range private jet in history at 13,400 miles, beating its commercial equal at 9,700. You could fly London to Sydney non-stop.


Merry Xmas ❗️


Gatwick Airport: Drone sightings cause delays


40分前のBBC NEWS からです。

Thousands of passengers at one of the UK's busiest airports are experiencing flight disruption after drones were seen over the airfield.
Gatwick's runway remains closed after two of the devices were seen nearby.
About 10,000 passengers were affected as flights were unable to take off and incoming planes were redirected - with some landing in Paris and Amsterdam.
Chief operating officer Chris Woodroofe said staff were trying to find a drone reported as still being in the air.
Passengers due to travel have been told to check the status of their flight.

Webster "Word of the Year 2018"

日本でも"今年の漢字"の発表がありましたが、Merriam-Webster (有名な辞書出版社)が英語での"Word of the Year"を発表❗️Los Angeles紙からの記事です。何だったのでしょう❓


Dictionary publisher Merriam-Webster announced on Monday that its 2018 "word of the year" is "justice."
The word saw a spike in searches on the publisher's website this year, which was looked up 74% more than in 2017, Merriam-Webster said in a news release.



"Justice" が選ばれていました。

102-Year-Old Woman Becomes Oldest Person Ever to Skydive




102-year-old Irene O'Shea made history as the oldest person ever to skydive, jumping from 14,000 feet in South Australia.



Virgin Galactic tourism rocket ship reaches space in test


Virgin Galactic tourism rocket ship reaches space in test

Virgin Galactic社の観光用のSpaceshipがCalifornia州のMojave上空50miles(80km)の宇宙空間に乗り入れたと説明。



MOJAVE, Calif. (AP) — Virgin Galactic’s tourism spaceship climbed more than 50 miles high above California’s Mojave Desert on Thursday, reaching for the first time what the company considers the boundary of space.

The rocket ship hit an altitude of 51 miles (82 kilometers) before beginning its gliding descent, said mission official Enrico Palermo. It landed on a runway minutes later.

“We made it to space!” Palermo exclaimed.

The supersonic flight takes Virgin Galactic closer to turning the long-delayed dream of commercial space tourism into reality. The company aims to take paying customers on the six-passenger rocket, which is about the size of an executive jet.

Virgin Galactic founder Richard Branson said there will be more test flights and if all goes well he will take a ride before the public gets its chance.