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The 7 Deadly Sins of Surviving a Heat Wave

It's getting hot out here, so take off all your misconceptions about heat waves.






この酷暑を乗り越える記事のご紹介ですが..英語でも酷暑(Heat Wave)などと見ると嫌になりますね! しかし、軽く目を通してみて下さい。一行二行でも、Heat Wave... Wave..


The worst heat wave in human history is still frying the United Kingdom, and in all likelihood, it’s not an anomaly. Climate changes means this is almost definitely the new normal (until it gets worse), so let’s review how to keep cool—or at least not die—during a heat wave. There were over 1,500 heat-related deaths in America in 2021 alone, and many of them could have been prevented if people had avoided these seven deadly sins of dealing with extreme heat.