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What to Do When Your Plane Cabin Fills With Fog

You can fight your anxiety with this simple explanation.




In-Flightで、客室にFogらしきものが立ち込め出したら? と言う、旅客機の危険性に対処する記事です。

一読しておくと、ひょっとして何かの役に立つかも! ですね。


The fear of flying is real and debilitating for some people, even though millions of people ride around on big jets every year with no issue. We have tons of posts full of facts and tips designed to help people who stress about air travel (including advice straight from a pilot), but none of them include any advice about what to do if the interior of a plane gets steamy, cloudy, or misty. That’s right: A new flying-related anxiety trigger just dropped.