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What You Should Know About Mask Mandates on Public Transportation

f:id:bear2249326:20220424173906j:imageA judge struck down the federal mask mandate on public transportation, but that doesn't mean masks are gone everywhere.




未だ話題止まぬCorona Virus関係の話題より、Froridaの法廷がMaskの見解に一石を投じました。Maskの公共交通機関での有効性云々で有ります。




A federal judge in Florida struck down the federal mandate that called for passengers to be masked on all forms of public transportation, including on airplanes and trains. So does that mean masks are gone everywhere? Not exactly.

The federal mandate is suspended
First of all: Yes, this court decision means that the federal rule is not being enforced at the federal level.

The Biden administration has said the rule is not in effect right now, although they are exploring “next steps,” which could possibly involve new regulations or court challenges—so consider this temporary. The Transportation Safety Authority (TSA) has also said they are not enforcing the mandate.