空飛ぶBear Aviatorの世界へようこそ〜


The importance of English language proficiency in aviation




現代の世界を飛び交う航空機の共通言語は、英語です。しかも、Global Worldでは多種の人種がおり、英語と言えどもStandardと呼ばれる英語は決められてはいないのが現状です。そこで、ICAO(国際民間航空機関)では、国際間を飛ぶ母国語を英語としてない国々のPilotsには、英語認定試験を受けさせ、航空英語能力を証明しなければならないとなっております。




For pilots and air traffic controllers to communicate clearly and efficiently around the world, a universal aviation language had to be established. Both parties work closely together to exchange crucial information about the aircraft, flight, crew members, and passengers as well as other external factors and situational awareness that help ensure safe and efficient operations.

Since miscommunication and language barriers are human errors that could gravely impact flight safety and put those on board at risk, ICAO established English language proficiency requirements for pilots and air traffic controllers serving and operating international flights. Though English was chosen as the language of the skies at the Chicago Convention in 1944, ICAO first began addressing language proficiency for pilots and air traffic controllers in September 1998. In 2008, an English language proficiency test was established as part of the requirements for pilots and air traffic controllers to be fully qualified.