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Jetson unveils its single-seat ONE eVTOL vehicle ahead of limited 2022 production





お馴染みeVTOLの記事から、いよいよ生産型eVTOL Single-seatの登場です。楽しみなのが、2022年の予約が始まってるとのこと..

お勉強と興味の知識、合わせてどうぞ !


Swedish eVTOL startup Jetson has officially unveiled its Jetson ONE personal electric aerial vehicle. After a successful prototype in 2018, Jetson has created a consumer-grade version of the ONE eVTOL that has already sold out its limited production run for 2022 and is now taking orders for 2023.

Jetson is a Swedish startup founded by Peter Ternstrom and Tomasz Patan in 2017 that specializes in electric vertical take-off and landing (eVTOL) vehicles.

The global industry for eVTOL technology and commercial aerial transportation has over 150 different companies developing their own “flying cars,” but nearly all of them remain in the development stage.