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Virgin Galactic’s supersonic jet would go from NYC to London in 2 hours, shattering Concorde record




Vitgin GalacticのSupersonic (超音速機), NYC (New York City)からLondon 間を2時間で結ぶ。

Concordなき後、いかにSonic Boomを軽減し、実用化できるか、それが問題でした。今、その技術が向上し、後日の記事の予定に入れてあるBoom社のSupersonicと言い、後10年もすれば、航空機も超高速機時代になろうとしています。




If Virgin Galactic’s supersonic jet performs as well as expected, the company would easily break a long-standing transatlantic airline record.

The company’s design is for a jet that would reach speeds of Mach 3, or about 2,300 miles per hour. Based on the estimated flight time of a Mach 3-capable aircraft, that means Virgin Galactic’s jet would fly from New York City to London in about 2 hours.

That would shatter the current transatlantic commercial flight record, set by a British Airways supersonic Concorde jet in February 1996. That flight went from New York City to London in 2 hours, 52 minutes, 59 seconds — with the Concorde averaging 1,250 miles per hour, or about Mach 2.