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Flying snakes? Here's how they can glide through the air






いや実際に、空を移動している現場を見た人も多い ?


その仕組みを解明しようとの記事...  Videoです。

この記事の中で、特殊な単語は、slithering かな、'(ヘビなどが地面を)ずるずる滑る様子'なんですが、Harry Potterなどにも出て来た単語です。



CNN - For some, the sight of a snake slithering on the ground is scary enough, so how about one launching itself through the air?

Chrysopelea paradisi -- the paradise tree snake -- does just that, propelling through the air from trees in South and Southeast Asia.
Little was known about how such snakes "fly" before a team of scientists from Virginia Tech published a new research paper Monday.

Experts say the snakes glide through the air, so study lead author Isaac Yeaton told CNN the team set out to understand how they do so.
The snakes make an undulating motion as they move through the air, and researchers had been curious as to why they did it.
The team had a basic understanding of undulation, thanks to the work of study author Jake Socha, who has been studying the snakes for around 20 years, said Yeaton.
All snakes undulate when they move across the ground, but flying snakes also do it in the air.