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You Can Virtually Tour the Winchester Mystery House For Free While It's Closed Due to COVID-19





リモートWorkをされている方々の息抜きにでもと...    アメリカのWinchester Mystery HouseがCoronavirusの為閉館している替わりに、FreeのVideo Tourを提供しています。



Like many other places around the country, the Winchester Mystery House is closed now due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Instead of physical tours, the house is offering a 40-minute video tour of the property for anyone that’s interested.

The house’s website says that it is offering free video access until April 7th, the day the Bay Area’s current “shelter in place” order is set to expire. For those that still want to visit, the house is also offering a ticket voucher that can be used anytime in the future, with no blackout dates or restrictions, so it can continue to pay its employees while its doors are closed.