Elon Musk details SpaceX progress on latest Starship spacecraft build and flight timelines
A Happy New Year ‼️
2020年の幕開け おめでとうございます 🎉
Elon Musk氏率いる、Starship 計画の全容から年明けResolution(新年の夢、決意決心)に相応しい記事をお読みください。
The holidays might be a time of slowed activity for most companies in the tech sector, but for SpaceX, it was a time to ramp production efforts on the latest Starship prototype — “Starship SN1” as it’s called, according to SpaceX CEO Elon Musk . This flight design prototype of Starship is under construction at SpaceX’s Boca Chica, Texas development facility, and Musk was in attendance over the weekend overseeing its build and assembly.
一行でも二行でも... きっちり勉強なんかしなくても、慣れてきます。
ではなく、Good Luck ‼️