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Thailand hopes to have bullet trains running by 2023

f:id:bear2249326:20191119182102j:imageHigh-speed rail: Mechanics check on a high-speed train in Xi'An, China. The country is currently assisting Thailand with its own high-speed rail (HSR) projects. One line is already under construction, while another has been approved



今日はThailand (タイ)の新幹線のお話。まあ残念ながら、日本製ではありませんが...

新幹線って、英語で何と言うでしょう ? そう、Bullet Train (ブレット ツゥレイン)ですね〜、弾丸列車と言われています。記事では別の言い方も使われています。確認しましょう!

ちなみに、近頃流行りのBullet Journal (日記、スケジューリング方法) で盛んにバレットジャーナルみたいな表記がありますが、私のBlogの読者諸氏はまちがってもこんな旧態依然の発音表記を鵜呑みにしないように‼︎ 間違ってもブレット以外の発音はありません! ブレットジャーナルです。'ブ' にアクセントがあります。カタカナ表記の英語を正しい英語にして覚えると語彙力は増えます。




Bangkok (CNN) — After years of delays and much debate, it's finally happening. Bullet trains are coming to Thailand.
With one project under construction, another approved and others being considered, many in the country are questioning whether high-speed rail (HSR) will be the right fit for the country.
"This is going to be a big change for Thailand," says Thanet Sorat, an adviser to Thailand's Senate Committee on Transportation, vice president of shipping company, V-Serve, and president of the Thai Authorized Customs Brokers Association.
He hopes to see sleek trains pinballing around the country at 155 mph (250 kph) within five years.
Both projects currently in the works will employ Chinese HSR technology. Though Thailand declined Chinese loans, the projects are considered a part of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), a plan that aims to connect China to the rest of Asia through new transport infrastructure.