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Robotic Medevac’s First Simulation Flight

Medevac missions won't have to put more humans in danger if Tactical Robotics has its way. The Urban Aeronautics-owned firm has successfully completed its first "mission representative" demo of the Cormorant, an autonomous VTOL (vertical takeoff and landing) drone that can pick up two casualties without requiring a crew. The only people directly involved are those loading the victims -- there's a video camera for talking to conscious patients, but the machine otherwise flies on its own.


Urban Aeronautics社所有の企業がCormorantと呼ばれる自動でVTOL(垂直離着陸機)ドローン、しかもクルーを必要としない、デモ飛行を無事敢行、成功を収めた。2人までの重傷者を運ぶことが出来る。意識のある患者と直接話ができる様ビデオカメラを搭載、機体自体は自動で飛行する事ができる。

