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Starbucks社コーヒーカップの新アイデア(リサイクル可能な)に$10 Million

After years of trying to engineer a more environmentally friendly coffee cup, Starbucks is turning to you for ideas. And it's willing to pay.

The company announced Tuesday that it's launching a $10 million grant challenge to solicit designs for a cup that's easier to recycle.


Starbucks (SBUX) partnered with a recycling-focused investor group called Closed Loop Partners for the project.

スターバックス社はこのプロジェクトに対しリサイクルに焦点を当てた投資家グループClosed Loop Partners社と協賛契約を締結。
A coffee cup is an environmental nightmare. Most are made from with a thin layer of plastic tightly attached to the cup.


This keeps the drink warm and prevents the cardboard from becoming soggy. But it also makes the cup difficult to recycle. It takes about 20 years for such a cup to decompose.


About 600 billion of these sorts of cups are distributed globally each year, and Starbucks accounts for about 6 billion of them, according to a press release.

The coffee chain has been working on the coffee cup issue for some time, without much luck.

"We've always had a social impact agenda," Starbucks CEO Kevin Johnson told CNN's Maggie Lake on Wednesday. Sustainability is a big part of that agenda, he said.

”我々は常に社会的衝撃的課題として持っている。”スターバックス最高執行責任者Kevin Johnson(ケビン ジョンソン)氏は水曜日CNN社のMaggie Lake氏に語っている。持続可能性は課題の大きな役割の一部である。


どうですか?読者でいいアイデアを出して$10 Million射止めてみませんか?
