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Light Sport Aircraft (軽飛行機スポーツ免許)



What It's Like to Fly the Vashon Ranger R7

その名をVashon Ranger R7(バションレンジャーR7)とは?

The Jeep of the light-sport aircraft category makes a surprise entrance.



When the light-sport aircraft rules were released in 2004, the aviation industry was excited about the prospect of brand-new airplanes becoming more affordable.


With the cost and complexity of Part 23 certification and the introduction of advanced cockpit technologies, factory-new certified airplanes were outside the budget of many pilots.


The LSA category was expected to breathe new life into the declining industry, making flight training and flying for fun more affordable. LSAs were expected to go out the door for around $100,000 apiece.



Many airplane manufacturers envisioned a return to general aviation’s glory days, when airplanes were pushed out of the factories by the thousands, as they were from the 1950s through the 1970s. From well-established giants like Cessna and Piper to budding plane-makers near and far, companies tried their hand at building airplanes to successfully fit the new category. But designing a safe airplane for $100,000 or less within the LSA restrictions, particularly the 1,320-pound takeoff weight limit, has proved more challenging than originally thought. With more than 100 different LSA models introduced, no company has succeeded in achieving mass production at the targeted price point. Cessna and Piper have dropped out of the market completely. The cost of some LSAs, such as the Icon A5 light-sport amphibian at almost $400,000, has even surpassed that of larger Part 23-certified airplanes.