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London Underground Train Brast (ロンドン地下鉄爆破速報)

September 15, 2017 2:13pm BST(英国標準時)


What we know right now:


What happened: An improvised explosive device was detonated on a London Underground train, injuring 22 people during rush hour Friday morning.

何が起こった : 簡易爆発物が ロンドン地下鉄で爆発した。金曜日朝ラッシュアワーの時間に22名に負傷を負わせた。

A security source told CNN there was a timer found on the device, a sign that the intent was to cause greater damage.



The investigation: A manhunt is underway and police are treating the explosion at Parsons Green station on the District Line as terrorism.

捜査 : 犯人捜査が始まっている、そして警察はこの事件をテロとしてディストリクトLINEのパーソンズグリーンステーションで爆発物の処理に当たっている。


Latest reaction: Prime Minister Theresa May said her thoughts were with those injured and the emergency services, while London Mayor Sadiq Khan told CNN there would be an “enhanced police presence” across London.

最新の動き : テレサ メイ首相は彼女の頭の中は負傷された方々と緊急事態サービスの人たちのことで一杯あり、一方サディク カーン ロンドン市長はCNNにこう語っている、ロンドン中に警官を動員するであろうと...

Meanwhile, US President Donald Trump tweeted: "Another attack in London by a loser terrorist. These are sick and demented people who were in the sights of Scotland Yard. Must be proactive!"


