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AIRCRAFT Airbus is Landing Flying Cars with Lasers



今は日本でも盛んに自動車の自動運転の新情報が革新的にもたらされていますが、これが航空機産業にも新技術を導入して、エアバス社がNear Earth Autonomy社と共同開発予定のフライングカー構想PAV(Private Air Vihecle)となっています。


Okay, so it’s not a flying car in the sense we grew up imagining, but Airbus A^3’s octocopter personal aerial vehicle, Vahana, is still quite impressive.

エアバス社がバハナ(Vahana)と名付けた8 つのプロペラ(オプトコプター)を持った個人向け航空機です。


Utilizing eight propellers mounted on rotating wings, Vahana is capable of vertical take-off and horizontal flight. The landing, however, is where it gets tricky.


“Takeoff is fairly scripted,” Sanjiv Signh, the CEO of Near Earth Autonomy — a company that makes sensors and robotic controls for aerial vehicles like drones — told Wired.

Near Earth Autonomy社のCEO(Chief Exective Officer : 経営最高執行責任者)サジブ サイン氏はWired誌に"離陸は概ね会社が予期した通り、センサーとロボテックコントロールでドローンのように空中を飛行するであろうと答えている。


“But the landing site may not be ready to take a vehicle. Maybe something went wrong, and there’s already a vehicle on deck.”


That’s where Vahana’s onboard lasers and Near Earth Autonomy technology, Peregrine, come into play.



Mounted under the fuselage, it contains lidar, inertial measurement, GPS sensors and plenty of processing power.



Once the Vahana drops below 65 feet its laser begins a three-dimensional scan, sending data back and suggesting the best landing zone.


