空飛ぶBear Aviatorの世界へようこそ〜


A Harvard professor says an alien visited in 2017 — and more are coming



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Alian(地球外知的生命体)の話題ですが、ワイドショー的なsubjectではなく、Harvard University の教授(Professor)物理学者が唱えている物です。



When the first sign of intelligent life visits us from space, it won’t be a giant saucer hovering over New York. More likely, it will be an alien civilization’s trash. 

Avi Loeb, chair of Harvard’s Department of Astronomy, believes he’s already found some of that garbage. 

Physicist explains why he thinks mysterious interstellar object was aliens
In his upcoming book, “Extraterrestrial: The First Sign of Intelligent Life Beyond Earth” (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt), out Jan. 26, the professor lays out a compelling case for why an object that recently wandered into our solar system was not just another rock but actually a piece of alien technology.