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Zoom admits it complied with Chinese request to suspend activist accounts






Internet会議などの Zoomでも、元はアメリカ製ですが、プログラマーなど700人以上が、中国本土で提携され、アメリカでの禁止措置を取られていますが、そのZoom、やっぱり中国との関係を考慮した、中国政府の要請を受け入れ、中国を非難するようなActivistsのアカウントを停止したというニュースが報道され、Zoom自身も認めているというニュースからです。


Zoom has admitted that it interrupted three Tiananmen Square anniversary meetings and suspended their hosts’ accounts upon China’s request. The video conferencing service has posted a response regarding the actions it took against Lee Cheuk-yan, Wang Dan and Zhou Fengsuo who are based in the US and Hong Kong.

Zoom says it received notices from China in May and early June about four large Tiananmen Square commemoration meetings, which the Chinese government considers as illegal activities. It explained that a US-based team reviewed the participants in those meetings and found that two of them had a significant number of participants in mainland China.