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Earth Finally Fixed Largest Ozone Layer Hole Above Arctic, Healing 1 Million Square Km




今日の英語の習慣化の題材は、以前から続いていたArctic(北極)上空のOzone (オゾン層)の穴が、修復されている、との記事...

地球の自然の営み、サイクル... 不思議なものですね〜 地球は偉大です!



Earth has several ways of healing itselffrom any detrimental change, with or without the current COVID-19 lockdown going around the world. 

A new example of this has just been recorded as scientists confirm that the 1 million square kilometre wide hole over the Arctic has now closed.



A rare hole in the ozone layer, spreading over 1 million square kilometre in area, was discovered by scientists earlier this month. The hole was understood to be a result of low temperatures at the north pole. Had the record-breaking hole managed to move south with the air currents, it would have posed a direct threat to humans.