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First direct marsquake data reveals a seismically active Red Planet






その記事です。火星が"Red Planet"と呼ばれたり、地震を'Earthquake'ならぬ、'Marsquake'と呼ぶこと、面白いですね!


NASA identified what it believed to be the signs of a marsquake last year, and now its painstaking approach is really paying dividends, with the SEIS gathering the first direct evidence of seismic activity on Mars. It collected data over 235 Martian days, revealing 174 seismic events over that time frame. 150 of these marsquakes were high frequency events that resembled those recorded on the Moon during the Apollo program. Promisingly, 24 were low-frequency events and three of those showed waveform patterns similar to those observed on Earth due to shifts in the tectonic plates.