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Preserving the unique history of the La Brea Tar Pits





台風一過、かなりの大雨で河が氾濫し、甚大な被害を出しました、台風19号 Hagibis…


さて、今日の英語の習慣化の題材は、La Brea地区(Los Angeles、California州)にある博物館の記事からです。此処には隣接のTar Pit(タールピット)ドロドロとした原油のいけがあり、そこに太古の恐竜の化石が多く眠っていました。いまでもまだ、発見されていない恐竜があるかも…


CNN ー Black gooey methane bubbles pop on the surface of the Lake Pit outside the La Brea Museum in Los Angeles. It's the only warning of the sticky, heavy asphalt on the bottom of the pit. The asphalt seeps have been there for thousands of years, stemming from a nearby underground large petroleum reservoir called Salt Lake Oil Field.

Thousands of years ago, the liquid asphalt trapped unsuspecting mammoths, horses, giant ground sloths, camels and bison that roamed the area, thirsty for a drink. Only 1.5 inches of the asphalt was required to trap a creature as massive as a mammoth or bison.