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The C2 is making its first foray to an international air show.

日本のC2 エアリフターの航空ショーデビューの記事です。
The C2 is making its first foray to an international air show.

★make its first foray to : 〜への最初の進出である。


A Kawasaki Heavy Industries (KHI) C-2 airlifter is appearing here at the Dubai Airshow during a deployment termed a flight training exercise but obviously intended also to market the type.

川崎重工業(KHI)のC2 エアリフターがここドバイ航空ショーに航空訓練実施という名目でお目見えしました、でも明らかに売り込み目的であることは明白です。

A second mission a week later will take a C-2 to New Zealand, where the government expects to acquire transport aircraft for delivery in the early to mid-2020s.


 The aircraft can appear at Dubai only because Japan ended a decades-old ban on military exports in 2014, though it still will not sell to countries that violate international treaties or U.N. resolutions or those engaged in conflict.


The C-2 and the related KHI P-1 maritime patroller are perhaps the two products for which Japan has the greatest hopes in the international market.


The Japanese air force began receiving C-2s in June 2016 after a protracted development program; 30 are required for airlift and one, a converted prototype, for electromagnetic intelligence.


★The Japanese air force : 日本空軍、海外のメディアとかでは自衛隊ではなく、空軍と言う単語が認識されている。

The twin-engine aircraft, comparable to the Airbus A400M Atlas in size, has a gross weight of 120 metric tons (265,000 lb.). It is powered by the General Electric CF6-80C. The type is not designed for rough field operation.

双発のC2航空機は、エアバスのA400M アトラスに匹敵し、総重量265,000ポンドである。

エンジンは、GE(ジェネラル エレクトリック)製CF6-80Cを動力源としている。
