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The most powerful passport in the world

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1. 知らない単語をテキストで勉強し、全体の内容を理解する。

2. ビデオを見て、どこまで聞き取れるか試す。

3. 自分ができると思う何行か、繰り返して聞き、リピートしてみる。(シャドーイング)

4. 出来れば、Dictationを試みる。

★ 1と2は繰り返しやってみる。



The most powerful passport has been revealed. And if you carry a blue passport, guess what? You are not the one holding all the power.

According to the Passport Index, the tiny nation of Singapore has the world’s most powerful passport.

Meaning, residents of the Asian city-state can travel and cross borders more smoothly than any other passport holders.

The index tabulates the number of countries that holders of passports can enter either visa-free or by gaining a visa on arrival. And recently Paraguay removed visa requirements for those carrying Singapore’s passport, making it the 159th country Singaporeans can enter easily.

Germany is now in second place with 158 countries, followed by Sweden and South Korea at 157.

Where does the U.S. fall on this list? Not a great spot.

With 154 score and behind 18 other countries. It seems the ‘Make America Great’ slogan is not going as planned for President Donald Trump as the US travel document has fallen in favor since he took office.

