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Woman claims her butt was seriously burned on JetBlue flight: 'Like my pants were on fire'


★お尻(butt)が主語ですのでbe + 過去分詞に注目...英語では良く物を主語にします。

★seriously burned イメージ的にとって日本語でシリアスと言う、まじめな、つまり大きなと言う意味に捉える。

★be on fire 〜に火がつく(スボンが火の上)


A New York woman has filed a lawsuit against airline JetBlue, because, she says, in 2014 her butt was seriously burned by tea during a flight to Las Vegas, and the airline failed to show proper concern until she pulled down her pants and revealed the damage.



★file a lawsuit against 〜に訴える


★ failed to show  〜することを失敗したで... みせなかったって言う意味に..よく使うfail to


Speaking to the New York Post on Sunday, 25-year-old Michelle Lavin said she sustained second- and third-degree burns in 2014 when a shouting match on the Labor Day weekend flight caused her to accidentally knock over a cup of scalding tea.

日曜日にニューヨークポストに語ったところによると、25歳のミッチェル ラビンさんは2014年レイバーデー(日本の勤労感謝の日みたいな)週末のフライトで火傷するような熱い紅茶によって2度から3度のやけどを負ったと述べています。


She said the lid was not properly secured by the flight attendant and that the cup was filled all the way to the top.


★filled all the way to the top 上まできっちり..

all the way (to) 〜 そこまでギリギリとか目一杯とかよく使われます。

JetBlue has not commented on the suit.





Lavin also said that the response by airline employees was severely lacking.

"I was in excruciating pain and had tears running down my eyes and asked them to get me anything. Cream. Something! They said, 'We don't have anything for burns on the plane.' They were looking at me like I was insane," she said.

The Post even obtained a picture of the burns.

Lavin said it felt like her "pants were on fire" and that despite her understandable screams was told, "We need you to go sit down." She went on to say that the situation wasn't taken seriously until she pulled down her pants in front of two female flight attendants.

"They were horrified, and then they were much nicer. At that point I realized they knew they had a problem. They said, 'This is very bad,'" Lavin said.

Years later, now, Lavin has taken this to court because she feels she was treated "like dirt," while also admitting that she realizes people might think she's just trying to make a quick buck.