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From crowds to ghost towns: Before and after coronavirus









(CNN) — Ever tried taking a photo in front of the Trevi fountain in Rome? Up until very recently it was a Herculean feat, requiring patience, timing and guesswork as to where the next spot might open. There were selfie brawls as well as fines and barriers imposed to control the unruly, ill-behaved masses.
Now you could take that photo with no obstructions, not one other human in the frame, no problem. But as Italy is on coronavirus lockdown, you might get fined -- or even arrested.
Many streets, train stations, mass transit systems and restaurants are now eerily empty.
Deserted airports and under-capacity airplanes are the new normal, from Beijing to beyond. Like the virus itself, these uncanny scenes are spreading west to tourist attractions, museums, churches and landmarks. And the few pedestrians and tourists still wandering are usually wearing masks.

You asked, we’re answering: Your top coronavirus questions


CNN readers from around the world have asked more than 50,000 questions about coronavirus. We’re reading as many as we can and answering some of the most popular questions here.

If you have a question about coronavirus we haven’t answered, ask us here. You can also subscribe to our newsletter, Coronavirus: Fact or Fiction, or listen to Dr. Sanjay Gupta’s podcast to learn more.




CNNの記事で、Coronavirusの疑問 質問検索が紹介されていました。

日本とは違った目線での Q & A です。 英語の習慣化の題材として、知識も手に入れましょう。


Q:   Is it safe to get takeout from restaurants?
A:   Yes, but you may want to wipe down the packaging and containers, just in case.

There’s no evidence to suggest coronavirus is transmitted through food, the CDC says. It’s generally spread through respiratory droplets.

But it’s a good idea to disinfect the takeout containers and wash your hands afterward, CNN Chief Medical Correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta said. He stressed that coronavirus is a respiratory virus, and it’s easy to touch your face without realizing it.

Q: How long will we have to keep social distancing?
A:  Probably for several months. But you might have to do it “over and over again,” since the outbreak could come in waves.

Research by the Imperial College in Great Britain “would suggest you have to institute these kinds of measures for five months, very vigorously,” said Dr. Celine Gounder, an infectious disease specialist at Bellevue Hospital Center.

“And then you may be able to relax for a period. And then you would re-institute as the cases go up again. But we’re basically looking at doing this over and over and over again, even after a five-month period of strict social distancing, in order to curb cases until we have a vaccine.”

Health officials say we’re at least a year away from the first publicly available coronavirus vaccine. In the meantime, they say everyone should avoid large crowds and stay at least 6 feet away from others.

Q:  How long does coronavirus stay “alive” on surfaces?
A:  Up to three days, depending on the surface. According to a study funded by the US National Institutes of Health:

The new coronavirus is viable up to 72 hours after being placed on stainless steel and plastic.
It was viable up to four hours after being placed on copper, and up to 24 hours after being put on cardboard.
In aerosols, it remained viable for three hours.


以下、Search Windowで 質問の検索ができます。




You Can Rent This Fully-Staffed Island in the Philippines for Just $97 a Night—If You Bring 15 Friends


A tropical paradise all to ourselves? Count us in.




今年に入ってCoronavirus のPandemicがWHOで、公表され、まだ収束の兆候は予測できませんね。




With more than 7,000 islands, the Philippines is the perfect destination for a tropical getaway. But with so many gorgeous beaches, it can be hard to choose which one to travel to. Well, if you’re looking for both a luxurious and private paradise, you can rent this entire island for just $97 a night…if you bring 15 friends.

Brother Island is located in El Nido, a province on Palawan known for its white-sand beaches, clear waters, and coral reefs. On the island, the two-story ancestral house has seven bedrooms, two bathrooms, two extra toilets and two extra showers. That’s enough room for a large group to vacation comfortably.

Along with privacy, you’ll get to enjoy the local cuisine for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. The package also includes housekeeping, library use, board games, and transportation to and from the El Nido airport. On site, you can book snorkeling expeditions, hiking tours on the mainland, local fishing, alcohol and beach massages.










日本の新聞報道ですが、これはAsahi  Newspaper  Digital版の、しかも、San  Franciscoにいる記者からの物でした。

記事はこちら、 https://www.asahi.com/sp/articles/ASN3G6JR3N3GUHBI01R.html











詳細は自分の目で見て、確認して頂きたいのですが、今 英語を学ぶ読者諸氏がなんのために英語を学ぶのか、を新ためて考えて頂けたらと思います。







Cyborg-suited 'Rollerman' is powered by ... roller skates





RollermanがPowered Suiteを着てRoller Skateをしていると言う記事...



CNN - Forget the Terminator. Meet "Rollerman."

In his cyborg-style suit adorned with roller skates, he's a modern-day action hero who travels at speeds of more than 60mph, powered by gravity.
The body armor with wheels is quite a look, but this cyborg doesn't hang around, especially when he's speeding past cars descending mountain roads.
The man in the carbon fiber suit is 49-year-old Jean-Yves Blondeau. After studying for an industrial design degree, the Frenchman became fascinated with the futuristic possibilities of roller skating or what he calls "buggy rollin'" -- a name Blondeau came up with after he was inspired by the idea of a bug rolling.
Rollerman rose to prominence at an age where the internet was almost non-existent. Fast forward 27 years and he's the talk of Generation Z, amassing hundreds of millions of likes on one of the world's most talked about social media apps, TikTok.
READ: Fabio Wibmer wows the world with daredevilry on two wheels


This Field of Light in California Is the Ultimate Outdoor Spring Activity.

f:id:bear2249326:20200314172607p:imageSpring’s about to be lit.



今日は、Central CaliforniaのSan Luis Obispo County (郡)からの春のOutdoorsにちなむ美しい光の映像を、英語の習慣化の題材として提供いたします。

Be about to〜 : 〜しそう(近未来形)   とか、
Contry  と Countyの違いとかちょっとしたポイントがありますね...


Boasting warm weather and fresh blooms, spring is the perfect season for outdoor activities. Once you’ve gotten your flower farm fix, you’re going to want to head to California to visit this dazzling field of lights.

Tucked away in San Luis Obispo County in Central California, the Field of Light at Sensorio has more than 58,800 “stemmed spheres lit by fiber-optics,” according to its website. The solar-powered stemmed lights, which resemble flowers, illuminate a 15-acre field. An ethereal experience, the spacious field of lights morphs colors, giving the landscape an undulating effect. Basically, you’d be walking through artwork.




NASA is now accepting applications for new astronauts

f:id:bear2249326:20200312172123j:imageNASA is now accepting applications for a new class of astronauts, who will be a part of the agency's lunar exploration efforts.




日本の宇宙飛行士とは違って、正真正銘の宇宙飛行士ですからね。日本の宇宙飛行士はMission Specialist(研究者系)でちょっと私の見解では違っていますので…



(CNN)The moment is finally here. NASA is accepting applications for aspiring astronauts.

NASA wants to send another man and the first woman to the moon by 2024. This next class of astronauts, part of the Artemis Generation, will help it get there -- and eventually to Mars -- by the mid-2030s.
"America is closer than any other time in history since the Apollo program to returning astronauts to the Moon," NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine said in a news release. "We will send the first woman and next man to the lunar South Pole by 2024, and we need more astronauts to follow suit on the moon, and then Mars."
Before you get lost in visions of yourself floating in space, keep in mind that the competition is stiff. The last time that NASA took applications for new astronauts in 2015, a record-breaking 18,300 people applied.
Eleven were selected.