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Emirates Flight Training Academy Opens

Emirates Flight Training Academy Opens

John Morris
Nov 11, 2017

The Academy has ordered five Phenom 100EV jets, with options on five more.

With the airline industry growing at an exponential rate, the need for training professional pilots is crucial.


Emirates is taking a giant step to addressing the demand for pilots with its Dubai-based Emirates Flight Training Academy, which officially opens here on Monday.


The Academy, located on its own private airport and campus on the edge of Dubai World Central Airport, will act as the dedicated training centre for Emirates’ prestigious National Cadet Pilot Programme.


Emirates’ AED500 million ($136 million) investment in the Flight Training Academy included construction of the new facilities, a fleet of 22 Cirrus SR22 and five Embraer Phenom 100EV training aircraft, a maintenance hangar, simulators, its very own lighted runway and a small FBO (fixed base operation).


Capacity will ramp up in a couple of years to 600 students on campus, with an annual intake of around 160 to 180 a year for courses that will last up to three and a half years.


The spacious academy can accommodate 600 students. 










kbcfii@aol.com (Kazまで...)

Flight Attendance も既卒者を募集中ですよ。


Russian Base -Jumper Died in The Himarayas

(CNN)ーA Russian daredevil who fearlessly leaped off the world's highest peaks and swirled through the winds on top of the world died during a BASE-jumping accident in the Himalayas over the weekend.


Valery Rozov's death was announced by his sponsor Red Bull.

彼の名は、バレリー ラゾフ、スポンサーのレッドブルによってその死亡が発表されました。

The acclaimed and legendary BASE jumper was killed in eastern Nepal during an expedition on the 22,349 foot-high Mount Ama Dablam, locate in the Himalayas, the company said.

高い評価を受けていた伝説的なベースジャンパーがヒマラヤ山脈 マウント アナ ダビアンの22,349 フィートからの試み中、東ネパールで死亡。


Mingma Gelu Sherpa -- who works with Seven Summits Club, the group that organized the expedition -- said the accident happened Saturday.

ミングマ ゲル氏 シェルパは、冒険に挑戦するグループの'セブン サミット クラブ'と共に働いてるが、事故は土曜に起こったと述べた。
The rescue was very difficult as it was inside a crevasse, Gelu said. He said many Sherpas trekked to the spot to recover his body since helicopters cannot land in the area.


The 52-year-old adventurer was born in Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, and started his career in 1998, Red Bull said. He is famous for jumping into a live volcano in Russia and off Ulvetanna Peak in the Antarctic.

52歳の冒険家はロシアのニッヒー ノブゴロッドに生まれ、1998 年にこの仕事を始めた。とレッドブルは言っている。彼は、ロシアの活火山と南極のウルベタニャ頂上からのジャンプで有名を馳せた。
One of Rozov's goals had been to carry out BASE jumps "from the highest possible points in each continent," Red Bull said.

ラゾフのゴールの一つは、各大陸(7大陸)の可能な限りの頂上からのベース ジャンプを実行する事であった、とレッドブルは語った。
From 2009 to this year, he BASE-jumped in the other five continents. He had only two peaks left: Australia and North America, Red Bull said.

2009年から今年まで、5つの大陸でベース ジャンプしており、オーストラリアと北アメリカの頂上の2つを残すのみとなっていた。とレッドブルは語った。


冒険ですか... これらに命をかけて挑む





The C2 is making its first foray to an international air show.

日本のC2 エアリフターの航空ショーデビューの記事です。
The C2 is making its first foray to an international air show.

★make its first foray to : 〜への最初の進出である。


A Kawasaki Heavy Industries (KHI) C-2 airlifter is appearing here at the Dubai Airshow during a deployment termed a flight training exercise but obviously intended also to market the type.

川崎重工業(KHI)のC2 エアリフターがここドバイ航空ショーに航空訓練実施という名目でお目見えしました、でも明らかに売り込み目的であることは明白です。

A second mission a week later will take a C-2 to New Zealand, where the government expects to acquire transport aircraft for delivery in the early to mid-2020s.


 The aircraft can appear at Dubai only because Japan ended a decades-old ban on military exports in 2014, though it still will not sell to countries that violate international treaties or U.N. resolutions or those engaged in conflict.


The C-2 and the related KHI P-1 maritime patroller are perhaps the two products for which Japan has the greatest hopes in the international market.


The Japanese air force began receiving C-2s in June 2016 after a protracted development program; 30 are required for airlift and one, a converted prototype, for electromagnetic intelligence.


★The Japanese air force : 日本空軍、海外のメディアとかでは自衛隊ではなく、空軍と言う単語が認識されている。

The twin-engine aircraft, comparable to the Airbus A400M Atlas in size, has a gross weight of 120 metric tons (265,000 lb.). It is powered by the General Electric CF6-80C. The type is not designed for rough field operation.

双発のC2航空機は、エアバスのA400M アトラスに匹敵し、総重量265,000ポンドである。

エンジンは、GE(ジェネラル エレクトリック)製CF6-80Cを動力源としている。



How to make a Frozen Margarita(フローズン マルガリータ)



Don't know how to make frozen margaritas? There's no time like the present, because it's frozen margarita season!

フローズンマルガリータの作り方知りませんって.. 今が絶好の機会ですよ、マルガリータ シーズン到来です。

★There's no time like the present : (ことわざ) 今こそ好機 「思い立ったが吉日」

No, I don't know where you live or what season it is when you're reading this, but I can say with confidence that it's a great time to make a frozen margarita, because any time is a great time.


Except, maybe, when you're operating heavy machinery or delivering a baby. If you're not doing either of those things, let's get to blending and drinking.

多分、あなたが重機を操作しているとか、出産しているときは例外でしょうが、あなたがこれらをしていない時は、マルガリータブレンドして飲みましょう ‼️

★delivering a baby :出産する




I can't condone using crappy store-bought margarita mix—it's offensive to tequila. Anyway, having fresh limes on hand shouldn't be too much to ask.


For this marg, we're using 1 jigger (1 1/2 ounces) each of tequila and fresh lime juice, an ounce of triple sec (or Cointreau), and 1/2 teaspoon of superfine sugar or agave nectar. Dump all of those ingredients into the blender—that's for one serving, so feel free to adjust to how many people you're bartending for.


テキーラ ライムジュース トリプルセック(もしくはコアントロー)および極細の砂糖(グラニュー糖)


2. BLEND IT UP (よくブレンドする)

Add 5 ice cubes (per serving) and blend the ingredients together for around 30 seconds.


The texture you're looking for is somewhere between a granita and a slurpee—you definitely don't want to over-blend, because you'll lose the fun icy texture.

一番の求める舌触り感は、シャーベット状から少し細かくなったら状態でしょう ー ブレンドしすぎは良くありません、美味しい冷たい感覚の舌触り感が損なわれます。


3. RIM THE GLASSES (グラスの縁を飾る)

Rub a piece of cut lime around the lip of the margarita or old-fashioned glass you plan on serving it in, and then dip the glass onto a plate covered with kosher salt on it. Maybe you want to add some lime zest or cayenne pepper to that salt—do your thing.



4. POUR AND DRINK (注ぎ、飲む)

Pour the blended margarita into the glass, careful to not disturb that cool salt rim you just made. Sip, pretend like you're on a beach, repeat.


ビーチにいる気分で.. ゆっくり一口づつすする。

Sip : お酒を飲むときによく使われる、ちびちび飲むときの表現です。



お試しあれ ‼️

Flying Taxis? Uber and NASA Just Paired Up to Make That Happen


Uber is taking a big step towards making its vision of flying vehicles a reality, announcing on Wednesday an agreement with NASA to develop a fleet of air taxis by 2020.



The idea is to build a network of vertical takeoff and landing aircraft that would greatly reduce commutes, while also helping to ease vehicle pollution in major cities.


While the ride-hailing service and the U.S. space agency may seem like an odd couple, the relationship is necessary in order to keep everything running smoothly when Uber ultimately takes to the skies.

★ride-hailing: 手を上げてタクシーを呼び止める行為..


"The space act that we signed with NASA is initially about collaboration around air traffic management," Jeff Holden, Uber's chief product officer, told NBC News.

"我々がNASAと調印したspace act(空間に関する条例)は航空管制運用に関する最初の協同である"とNBCニュースに語った。

With so many aerial vehicles flying at a low attitude, the collaboration will be necessary to help manage the skies.























kbcfii@aol.com (Kaz)まで



Aviators' English Standards



Study considers role of language in air accidents


BTN News
Thursday, 19 October 2017

In January 1990, Avianca Flight 52 from Bogota, Colombia to New York ran out of fuel on approach to John F. Kennedy International Airport (JFK), causing the B707 aircraft to crash in a wooded residential area in Cove Neck on the north shore of Long Island.

1990年1月、コロンビア、ボゴタ発ニューヨーク行きアビアンカ航空の52便が、JFK ケネディ国際空港に着陸進入中燃料切れ、ロングアイランド北岸のコーブネック町の木々に囲まれた住宅地にB-707(ボーイング)を墜落させた。
Eight of the nine crew members and 65 of the 149 passengers on board died.


The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) determined the crash occurred partly from the flight crew’s failure to properly declare a fuel emergency.


パイロットは中々この「Emergency 宣言」をしたがらない傾向にあります。事故後の報告、処理が厄介なためです。でも、死亡事故になると話は別ですけどね〜

★Declare an emergency: 緊急事態を宣言する

The investigation raised safety issues that included communication concerns between the pilot and air traffic control.


Because of poor weather conditions, the aircraft was in a holding pattern and running low on fuel, but the crew did not use the word 'emergency', which resulted in air traffic control underestimating the seriousness of the situation and the need for special handling.


★low on fuel : 燃料の低下(燃料切れ)である、現実は...

In another accident in October 2001, a small Cessna Citation CJ2 business jet collided with a McDonnell Douglas MD-87 airliner on the runway at Linate Airport in Milan, Italy.

2001年10月に起きたもう一つの事故に於いては、セスナ社製のサイテーションCJ2機がイタリア、ミラノ リナテ空港の滑走路場でマクダネル社製ダグラスMD-87型機と衝突するという事故がある。

All 114 people on both aircraft died, as well as four people on the ground.


While many factors were noted, accident investigators found that the aviation terms and phrases widely used by the controllers and pilots did not conform to International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) recommended practices.


Communication also alternated between English and Italian.


Those are two examples of aircraft accidents where inadequate English language proficiency was noted by investigators as playing a role in the chain of events leading up tothe accident.







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